Top 10 Reasons Why You Should choose the Flutter for Mobile App Development


Flutter is a mobile development framework that has huge popularity among developers in worldwide. It has all of the components for cross-platform and native development models required to develop robust applications in a short period of time. Many companies want to hire a Flutter app development companies to develop apps that serve a huge number of audiences. You can choose a company that is both affordable and fulfills the requirements of the company.

There are various benefits of developing your application with Flutter. In this post, we will go through the top 10 reasons for using Flutter while developing a new app. It will walk you through its lots of benefits and encourage you to use this technology.

Flutter Numbers

According to Statistics, over four million developers started using Flutter in the twenty-four months since it was launched.

In COVID-19 pandemic, it is shown huge growth month-over-month according to the statistics. Flutter is now used by approximately 1 Million developers to develop mobile applications. 

Flutter is the second most popular cross-platform mobile framework among developers globally, according to Statistics. It also claims that 39% of developers use Flutter, a 9% rise from the previous year.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, 68.8% of developers using Flutter and they are showing interest learning more about the technology. According to their statistics, Flutter is one of the least dreadful and most desirable applications.

According to GitHub, Flutter has approximately 146k stars on which are a very large number when compared to other technologies. It is also one of GitHub’s top 30 most active repositories.

These statistics show an increase in the use of Flutter for developing mobile applications. It is a latest trend, and many developers agree with it. This should encourage many mobile app development service providers to learn Flutter and provide it to their clients. Here are some more statistics that demonstrate the technology’s popularity.

Since the technology’s revolution, over 500,000 apps have been released, according to Flutter and 10.2% of developers use Flutter libraries, frameworks, and tools throughout the world.

Major Advantages for Choosing Flutter for New Mobile App Development

There are lots of advantages to choosing Flutter for mobile app development for small and large-scale businesses. It’s clearly stand out as a popular cross-platform application development framework by top mobile app development companies. Here are a few key points to help designers and developers understand the benefits of Flutter.

1). Open Source

Flutter is a Google open-source platform for software development toolkit. It provides easy posting the bugs and access to documentation via open developer forums. It helps Flutter programmers to learn and grow with the ever-changing crowd of developers that actively contribute to the platform. It improves the coder’s efficiency and productivity, resulting in less time and cost for the overall project.

2). Single Codebase

Because it is a cross-platform framework, it allows programmers to write a code at once and they can use it on multiple platforms. This means that a single application we can run on both IOS and Android. This saves a significant amount of time and effort when building code for other platforms, such as native frameworks.

3). Dart as Programming Language

Flutter uses Dart as an object-oriented programming language to develop mobile Apps. The prominent features of Dart include a rich library, collection of garbage, strong typing, generics, and async-awaits. Dart is similar to Java and it uses many popular features from other languages. It’s very similar to the React language style; it allows developers to complete their tasks easily.

4). Hot Reload and Development

This is a unique Flutter functionality that allows developers to see changes to code in instantaneously. Any updates are available immediately to both designers and developers. They do not have to wait for new updates and might even continue developing a new feature without interruption. This increases developer productivity and minimises the time required to build a strong application. This saves a significant amount of money in the entire development of the project.

5). Native App Like Performances

When you hire mobile app developers to create Flutter applications, it’s taken very less time to complete the any application, this is because its uses Dart programming language, which is efficient, simple, and easily compile into native code. It increases the performance of the application as compared to any other application development platforms.

6). Tech Community

There is a very powerful community of developers who are continually working and contribute to making Flutter butter. They make it very easy for beginners to enter and learn the framework. There are lots of videos are available in online platform to assist beginners developing software toolbox.  Anyone can easily start developing mobile app to help from the team. We are one the best Flutter App Development Companies in Chennai.

7). Use of Custom Widgets

Flutter provides a myriad of widgets to help developers in their creation process. It makes creating a simple user interface much easier and faster. All you have to do is develop a UI element once, and it will adapt to multiple resolutions, screens, and platforms. You can even wrap one widget inside another to enable alternative functionality.

8). Attracts More Investors

The minimum viable product (or MVP) it defined the functionality and features of an application.  An MVP developed on Flutter is cross-platform compatible and provides a high-quality user experience. This attracts a large number of investors, helping them to fund your project.

9). Create Apps for Mobile, Desktop, and Web

When you hire a Flutter app developer, you get the advantage of developing something that is very flexible. You may develop applications for up to six different platforms at the same time. This comprises operating systems such as Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Web.

10). Requires Less Testing

Normally, testing must require checking compatibility on different platforms. Flutter apps use a single code base with no change to run across all the platforms.  All you have to do that test the Flutter application once and it will save a lot of time and effort and money for the developers.


There are lots of facts and features in Flutter must be choosing your first developing a new mobile application. It is quickly becoming very popular because of its many benefits. You can go through all facts it in the post. It will guide you in taking a right decision and choosing the best technology for building a fresh application. You can choose the best mobile app development company in Chennai.